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4 Small Habits That Will Transform Your Life

Well hello, October! It’s officially Q4—how are we feeling? I recently stumbled across (okay, saw on TikTok) something called the October Theory, which Betches describes as

October being the second New Year. It’s that moment where we all collectively think, "Oh sh*t, there are only a few months left before the new year, and I haven’t done any of the things I said I would back in January." Is anyone else getting a little anxious that their vision board still hasn’t turned into an IRL vibe? Just me? Cool.

But hey, let’s not get carried the F away. Transforming your life doesn’t always mean you need to make huge, sweeping changes. Sometimes, it’s the small, consistent habits that create the biggest ripple effects. So, if you’re ready to make some shifts, here are four small but super impactful habits that can make a massive difference to your well-being and productivity.

1. Daily Gratitude

  • Why it works: Taking just a few minutes to reflect on things you're grateful for can totally shift your mindset to something more positive—especially when life feels a little "meh." It boosts your mood, melts away some of that stress, and keeps you focused on the good stuff, which is way more fun.

  • How to start: Every morning or right before bed, jot down 3 things you're thankful for. It can be anything—your cozy bed, a good matcha, or a funny TikTok. Over time, you’ll start appreciating the little joys without even thinking about it!

2. The 10-Minute Daily Goal

  • Why it works: Big, ambitious goals can feel like climbing a mountain, but breaking them into small, manageable tasks makes everything so much easier. When you complete even a tiny step, it’s like a confidence boost—and honestly, who doesn’t love that feeling? It’s a total slay.

  • How to start: Pick something you want to work on—personal, professional, whatever—and give it just 10 minutes a day. Whether it’s reading, getting in a quick workout, or building that side hustle, it’ll add up in no time. You’ll be surprised how much you can get done!

3. Daily Movement

  • Why it works: Moving your body isn’t just good for your health; it gives you energy, lifts your mood, and helps you sleep better. Even a little bit of movement helps clear your head and lowers stress.

  • How to start: Find a way to move every day, even if it’s just a quick stretch. It could be a hot girl walk, a candlelit yoga session, or hitting the gym. Whatever gets you moving, just do it regularly, and you’ll feel so much better—mentally and physically.

4. Plan Tomorrow… Today

  • Why it works: A good plan sets you up for success. Taking a few minutes before bed to map out tomorrow gives you a clear sense of direction—and who doesn’t love waking up with a plan ready? No more wasting time stressing over what needs to get done. It's a total game-changer for those gloomy mornings when you need a little push.

  • How to start: Before you hit the sheets, write down your top 3 priorities for the next day. It’s so simple, but it works wonders for keeping you on track and avoiding that overwhelming, "Where do I even start?" feeling.

These small, easy-to-do habits can make a huge difference (trust me, I am always practising what I preach) and they’re all super doable—even on the busiest days! So there we have it, see ya in the next blog, until then keep up with The Life of Molly every day and check out my IG here!


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