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Life Updates, Wtf Is The Winter Arc & Slow Living

Hey babes, how’s it going? Can you believe Christmas is just around the corner? What are your Halloween plans? And how are you enjoying autumn so far? Honestly, I’ve been feeling a bit all over the place. Ever since getting back from my holiday, I’ve felt a bit down, overwhelmed, and the change in weather isn’t helping. But before I dive into all of that, let’s catch up!

First off, I started a new role as a freelance content creator for the networking app CLIQ, and it’s been so much fun! I’ve been going to wellness events, meeting like-minded people, and creating content—it’s honestly a dream. On top of that, I’ve been working at Monty (6 months already!) three days a week while managing my clients, so my plate is full.

On top of that, I’ve had some personal wins recently—I've been outreached with Hawaiian Tropic and Dash Drinks! Total pinch-me moments. After nine months of ups and downs, it feels amazing to see things come together. But with all these great things happening, I’ve felt the pressure to keep performing, and it's been a bit overwhelming.

Here’s what’s been helping me stay grounded:

  1. Prioritise Self-Care: Whether it’s a hot bath, HGW or watching MAFS, carving out “me time” keeps me sane.

  2. Break Tasks Down: Tackling one thing at a time helps me avoid feeling swamped by the to-do list.

  3. Celebrating Small Wins: Progress isn’t just about big milestones—sometimes making your bed or squeezing in a workout is worth celebrating.

  4. Asking for Help: Whether it’s delegating tasks or venting to a friend, leaning on others has been a lifesaver.

So like, have you heard of the winter arc, or have you been living under a rock? Aka, The “winter arc” refers to the “90 days before the end of the year where you can get ahead of the ‘New Year, new me’ crowd and hit your goals,”, so starting from October 1st, you can level up ahead for the new year.

Here’s how I’m levelling up for 2025:

  1. Setting Intentional Goals: I’m mapping out realistic goals, like improving my fitness routine or expanding my LinkedIn network. Breaking them into smaller steps helps keep things manageable.

  2. Morning Routine: My mornings set the tone, so I’ve nailed down a routine that includes making my bed, working out, and practising gratitude with my matcha.

  3. Regular Movement: Even if it’s just a walk or some strength training, staying active keeps my mind clear and my energy up.

  4. Wellness Practices: I’m focusing on breathwork, screen-free time before bed, and bringing back journaling to reflect on what’s working.

  5. Decluttering & Digital Detox: I’ve been doing weekly resets to keep my space and mind clear. Less clutter = less chaos.

  6. Rest & Recovery: I’m making rest a priority, ensuring I get enough sleep and schedule downtime to avoid burnout.

These small but powerful habits are keeping me grounded and helping me finish the year strong. As I dive into all of this, I’m super inspired by the slow-living movement too. It’s a refreshing break from the hustle, focusing on living mindfully and intentionally—a perfect reminder as we push through Q4.

Here's a quick rundown on slow living:

  • Mindfulness: Be present and savour each moment instead of rushing through life.

  • Quality Over Quantity: Focus on doing less, but doing it well—being busy doesn’t equal success.

  • Connecting with Nature: Whether it's tending a garden or a simple walk, slow living encourages spending time outdoors.

  • Cozy Spaces: Create warm, inviting corners in your home for relaxation. Aka light a candle. Lol.

So, there you have it—my little journaling session (aka word vomit) laid out for you! I hope you enjoyed reading it, and maybe even took something from it. Whether it's slowing down, focusing on self-care, or just working on your own winter arc, I’m sending good vibes your way as we all try to navigate this busy season. See ya in the next blog, until then keep up with The Life of Molly every day and check out my IG here!


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